I've had a very busy week! I've had birthdays and anniversaries and parties and out of town visitors! Oh my! But that also means I have awesome things to write about this week.
Wednesday was my big 3-0 birthday! I had not been stressing or worrying about "no longer being in my 20's" even though I think that's what the mainstream media wants you to believe. I think there's a certain grace and elegance to aging. And I was certainly sick of hearing "you're ONLY in your twenties?" I dunno. I think a certain amount of credibility goes with you when you've got wisdom and experience (aka age).
Despite not being very worried about my big day, I didn't want a giant birthday, so I opted for my usual wednesday night karaoke, and invited friends and family (and strangers) to come out and help me ring in my new age. It was wonderful. Lots of people I love showed up, and I got some amazing home made gifts! Two gifts stood out, and they're the subject of this post:
Nipple Tassels.
What is it about getting older and wiser? I've always been very secure with myself and I like to think I'm fairly confident, so it was hilarious to get not one but THREE pair of nipple tassels! Hooray for older, sexy and confident women! Of course, these were to go with my new fuzzy, glittery merkin that was a present from Amy. (please go to her blog at http://themadstamper.blogspot.com/ I have learned a lot from Amy who I lovingly refer as my Craft Guru. She's awesome to the power of ten!)
She made set #1 of the nipple tassels. Hers were made with purple sequins with a border of pink sequins glued to fabric shaped in a cone. Long white tassels dangling from the center complete the look. They match wonderfully my blue and green merkin she also made. (merkin is a public wig that became a fashion accessory for hookers in the 15th and 16th century. When a hooker had an STD, part of the treatment was shaving the pubic area, so if a potential customer realized she had no pubic hair, that was a tip off that she was 'dirty' so the wig was created so that the hooker wouldn't lose business after treatment. Now merkins are making a come back as "outerwear" for clubbing, and berlesque shows)
Set #2 was made by my sister Cindy, who although wasn't able to celebrate with me, she made some awesome nipple tassels. This pair, was created by forming foampaper into cones, and then gluing fine pink blue and copper glitter into a heart shaped pattern with copper colored tassels glued in the center.
Set #3 was given to me by Cindy, but made by her friend. These are very traditional pasties with gold sequins glued onto the foam cone, and red twisty tassels glued in the center. I love them all, and can't wait to try them out!
They're a quick and easy craft project! Adhere the tassels and merkin using eyelash glue, spirit glue or double sided tape, hold (hold firmly, but don't press too hard) while glue is drying (between 5 and 10 minutes) then shimmy and shake! I will get pictures up eventually of me modeling these wonderful creations, but until then, you can admire these pics.