Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I haven't blogged in SUCH a long time! It's been so busy, with my projects that I've been doing. I've started stamping a recipe book that I thought would be my "fun summer project". Uh huh. If it gets past the stage it's currently at, I'll be surprised. And amazed. Right now, I've got about 30 recipe cards with the lines stamped on. And that's about it. I still have to ... well, do everything including figure out what recipes I want to put in the book, and write them on the cards. Forget about assembling everything! Sheesh!

But I did partake in one of my favorite crafts last week - changing my hair! Maybe it's not traditionally a craft, but it is pretty awesome! In my life I've had my hair a multitude of colors (brown, blonde, black, red, cherry red, blue, green, purple, yellow, orange, fire engine red, and a combination of all of those.) And my hair has been all lengths (including almost bald thanks to an oopsie that had me chemically burn the hair off my head - right before Christmas! hee hee...)
So just this past week, I finally got sick of trying to grow it out, and got it cut into nifty layers including bangs! I haven't had bangs in forever. They're side sweeping, covering my left eye and they're driving me NUTS! Oh well. It looks good. I got my hair dyed jet black (my favorite color for my hair for the past two years) with cherry red "panels" of color chunked in. This will keep me happy until I'm sick of it next. However long that will take.

Other than that, my summer has been filled with playing catch up. Rob and I are still working on our secret project, which is less time intensive, but still taking a lot of time. And that leaves no time for anything else. One day a week we're furiously cleaning the house because we haven't had any time to do it any other day. The weekends are a wash because Kathleen is in swim club, and every weekend is a tournament. She's doing really well. She's got a whole bunch of "beat my time" ribbons and has won first, second or third in nearly most of her races, and even took home gold (for best overall) at one swim meet, and a bronze at another. I'm so proud of her, and she loves it, which makes giving up every weekend worth it, but it still leaves us with NO TIME! Ahhh! I figure I can rest when I'm dead. That just leaves me with one problem: when am I gonna get time to do my crafts?!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Busy busy busy busy...

I've had some pretty awesome stuff I've been wanting to blog for a while, (I've found the BEST repent sinner cards I have been DYING to post pics of) but unfortunately I've had so much to do and such little time. Not even one evening of crafts have been squished into my crazy busy schedule. :( (sigh)

I've got my own personal crafts, some 3-D boot shaped party favors to make, wedding invites to finish, pants to hem, a whole house to clean, I must get over all my infectious illnesses so I can be cleared to go back to the gym so I can feel guilty about NOT going to the gym. Work has been super crazy busy, and THEN I get a call yesterday asking me to testify at the CRTC hearings! Eep!

If you don't remember (or have started reading my blog more recently) I had posted a few months back that my boss had put together an application to obtain a broadcasting license for am FM station for the County of Leduc. It's this big, huge, long and technical process just to put the application in, and then if it's accepted, you have to appear before a panel of experts who ask questions, point out problems, clarify facts in your application. Well, that was yesterday, and I was asked to appear and speak on behalf of my boss. I was honoured to be asked, and excited to be a larger part of the entire process, so I went. It was a really interesting day. I got to see how the process works, see other applicants pleading their case, and answering questions. I got to speak about the research done and programming. I feel a bit bad about not answering more questions, but if I did, I would probably be feeling bad about saying the wrong thing. Heh. So now it's a waiting game. Wait for their decision. It's only a few months away...