Wednesday, July 2, 2008


That accurately describes my mood lately. Bitchy. I don't even feel like I just came back from a four day vacation. The vacation itself was lovely! We camped out at the family farm, got a lot of boating and tubing in, the weather was glorious, and we had lots of fun away from all the craziness of real life. But, bright and early this morning reality came pounding back with a vengence. Arg! Even though I was slathering myself with SPF 50 sunscreen several times a day throughout the weekend, I managed to burn myself to a lovely lobster red. I tried toning down the redness with a self tanner, but that only managed to make the red more intense. And it hurts! Like a sonofagun! At least I know THIS pain is quite temporary. Everything else seems to have no end in sight.

I don't know if it's the hot and humid weather we're having lately (don't get me wrong - I LOVE the sunshine. Seeing the sun, and getting to enjoy the nice weather is great) but it's TOO hot for my liking, and it seems to make me and everyone else grumpy. I had to deal with unhappy customer after unhappy customer at the shop today. Sigh. Everything seems to be going as smoothly as the warts on a witches nose lately. The employees are restless, I'm restless, the owner's restless. The project Rob and I are working on seems no farther along than two months ago. Hurry up and wait. Hurry and wait. Wait. Everything seems to be in limbo, and I'm sick and tired of it all. Sick and tired is absolutely right. I've caught every single bug going around - and caught it twice. When I haven't been dealing with respiratory infections, eyeball infections, pnemonia, colds, flu bugs, I've been stuck with a mysterious runny nose, and a complete lack of energy to do anything. I thought the weekend away would recharge my batteries, but all it's done is clog all the problems into a shorter time frame to fix. One day back from my vacation, and I'm already ready for the weekend.

I was supposed to go to a pen turning class at Lee Valley with a friend tomorrow, but due to lack of registrants, it was cancelled. Yuck! I really wanted to make my very own pen (all my friends know me as the pen whore) I guess I'll just pile that up on the list of disapointments. :(

Lucky I managed to squeeeeeze in a small craft project for one of my oldest friends' wedding. Tabitha. I've known her since grade 6 and due to a lucky twist in fate have gotten back in touch with her this year. I got down to Crankpots in Edmonton and painted a beautiful ceramic chip and dip set. Or, at least I think it's beautiful! I couldn't get it fired in the kiln in time for the wedding, so I let her know when it was ready for pick up, and she let me know today she got it, and loves it. I can't wait to see pictures of it so I can post them here! It's been the only real craft project I got in for the past several weeks. I'll post pictures as soon as I have them. That, and her kamakaze wedding and my vacation has been the only real fun I've had in a while. (sigh)

I'm hoping to get back to the gym. My doctor has had strict instructions for me to avoid public places like gyms and swimming pools until I've been symptom free for at least a week. I can't wait to get some schedule of normalcy again. I want to lose some of this excess weight in hopes that's been making me feel tired and run down. I go for my assessment today. Hopefully the prognosis isn't too grim. But, I just won't think about it. Just close my eyes and leap.

And because it makes me happy, I have posted a few pictures from my awesome weekend. Enjoy!

PS - I swear I'll get pics of me modelling my merkin and tassels soon - as well as some of my new hats. I {heart} hats!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, your trailer trash trailer, that was the twin to my trailer trash trailer had an awning?! Man you had the Delux model!! wow! and your door looks like it has an actual handle/ lock, ours didn't it was just a flap that folded down and out for the stairs. Man yours is so much cooler than mine ever was. :)
Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your chip and dip bowl, it totally rocks my socks! We are so needing to go and paint some pottery soon! I need to start planning my project now. hmmmmm.........
Can't wait until Wednesday!