Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I totally forgot the existance of my blog for many reasons. I thought it was a self-centered act that I was midly (okay, not so mildly) obsessing over. And then I decided to leap head and heart first (brain to follow later) into buying my own business. Since owning the business, I've had too much to do actually RUNNING the business to worry about silly blogs among other things (other things such as actually having a life, for example). And lastly, this is a craft blog, and I just didn't have time to craft - let alone blog about it. I could have blogged about crafts I want to do, crafty people I love, but hell, I had a business to run, and a life to ignore!

But I'm back now, business (mostly) under control thanks to awesome employees and awesome customers, and I just need a place to rant. Be prepared for less crafty things to blog about, more art and graphic design type stuff I'll be putting here because really, it's all related.

Welcome back, me!


Amy said...

YAY!!!! Welcome back you!!! Does this mean that I might actually get to see you now?? I'm so excited for that possibility!

Miss G said...

I'm excited at the prospect of having a life again, too! Yay me! I've been lurking on your blog (and a few others too) even though I haven't been leaving notes, I've been reading.
When are the Hawaii pics going up??