Friday, August 27, 2010

Distinguished Beards

Recently, I heard about friend's teenage son being told by a stranger to shave his facial hair. When his mother told the woman to mind her own business, the stranger shot back "I'm only trying to help the boy be all that he can be!" What is this? The army?? Since when did facial hair make someone be LESS than great?

And so what if the beard doesn't suit the face? Teenagers have little to no decision making power in their life - let them have choice over their hair! Color it purple, grow it long, shave it off... It's HAIR, it'll grow back, or can be cut. Chill.

The history behind beards and religious affiliations behind beards are fascinating, but I'm not here to philosophize. The history behind beards is long and storied (playoff beards being one of the most common reasons men today grow them) There are so many beards to choose from: fu man chu, Van Dyke, goatee, soul patch, full beard, neck beards... I don't care, they're all awesome. And after I went searching for a list of the most awesome beards in history, I couldn't find the list on the whole of the internet. So started my quest. I want awesome beards, and I want them now. So I've been busy compiling a list of awesome men in history ... who have beards. Add to the list! Rate them! I need your comments!! (By the way, I know there's awesome mustachio'd men in history too, but this is just for the beards...)

Sigmund Freud
Abraham Lincoln
Ernest Hemmingway
Vincent Van Gogh
John Lennon
Jerry Garcia
Charles Darwin
Brigham Young
Cat Stevens
Chuck Norris
Kimbo Slice
Blackbeard the Pirate!
ZZ Top
Salman Rushdie
Grizzly Adams
Leonardo Davinci
Ned Kelly
Brian Blessed
Robert E Lee
Al Borland
Bob Ross
Bam Bam Bigelow
Thomas Swann
Kenny Rogers
Michael Gross
Johann Strauss II
Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani
Col. Sanders
Sebastian Cabot
Jesus Christ
Santa Claus!

This list is far from complete. Add your two cents! Your pictures! Your own beards! I have a desire to complete the internets best bearded list!

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