Saturday, September 11, 2010

And you thought we wouldn't notice...

Coming from a family of artists, and having my own creative ideas and designs (physical, visual and musical) out in the world myself, I've always been very interested in copyright, plagerism, intellectual property issues. And being the owner of my own print shop brings home the issues in a very real way.

As a designer who has actually had ideas and designs stolen myself, I'm very interested to be a part of a community who works against intellectual property theft. People sometimes just want to be acknowledged that they were ripped off, some want legal action. It's very frustrating. This website is a small drop in the ocean, but it makes me proud to be a part of a creative community who values artistic integrity, intellectual property, original ideas...

Please visit it's a look at all the issues that designers, artists and the like face today. The internet has a lot to do with it, made creative collaboration ... and theft much easier. How do we combat this problem? I wish I knew.

Enjoy the read!

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