Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm not bragging, but ...

I'm not one to brag. I don't think I have an ego bigger than my fist, let alone one to swell my head. True, I've leapt fully into the sales, marketing and PR positions at work, but that's because I'm the owner. I have pride of ownership, of building something important to me, and that comes through in the way I present myself and my business. But I've also tried to be the kind of person to always give credit where it's due. If anything is successful - a function, a business, one job with our shop - it is because it has had the tireless energy of someone, or many someones behind it. I've been in a wonderful position to work only with the very best. To hire only those whom I really respect, and find joy in working with (even with working with me is less than a joy sometimes! lol)

I've been incredibly busy lately. The shop has also been really busy lately. The two are probably factors in each other. I've been blessed enough to be able to pursue the business relations, positions and projects that mean a lot to me. And it's showing in everything our shop produces. I'm feeling really good about things, and things are looking up.

I'm not one to brag, but in bragging these accomplishments (and excuses for not blogging or crafting) I'm really bragging about the fabulous people who surround me and make me a better person. I was once told that savvy people surround themselves with people who are better and smarter than themselves, so that you are constantly being encouraged, challenged, and have the expertise of these people at hand. I've strived to do that, so thank you to everyone who has to put up with me regularly. You were chosen to be in my life because you're amazing. I hope you all know that.

They say if you want something done, give it to a busy person. I used to think of that as a kid and scoff - right! These are the last people who should be doing more. But the more I do, the more I realize I can do more, and want to. All you need is organization, passion and a touch of insanity. So these are the things that have been taking up my time.

Our shop has just celebrated it's second year anniversary of being owned by me! Yay me! It's taken a lot of borrowed money, too many hours to count, a lot of (real) blood, sweat and tears - more than I care to admit. It's taken a lot of people believing in me, encouraging me, working for me for free, working for me for real, and we seem to have outlasted this "recession". Thank heaven! And thanks to everyone who had a part in it. Especially our customers.

We're on the cusp of celebrating our TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of being open! Wow! And I've been with the shop for most of those years. And that has taken more patience than anyone will ever know. I'm glad I hung in there.

The shop has just won the Consumer's Choice Award for Business Excellence in Printing! Yay! For the second year in a row! Double yay! Chosen by our business peers and print customers, this says a lot about our quality, dedication to customer service, and our staff. Thank you.

I was just elected to the Chamber Board of Directors! I'm so thankful to be giving back to the community I grew up in, and to the business community who supported and encouraged me. I'm honored.

My daughter just won the Citizenship Award at her middle school. And Honors. I'm raising one heckuva decent kid. Thanks to the universe for her, and for everyone allowing me to balance work and time with her. It's paying off.

We have continually for the past three months hit new sales records for those months, and are on track to continue to do the same. Consistent marketing, hard work of me doing sales, our staff doing an awesome job, and the industry getting back into gear. They are all pieces to the puzzle of success. Maybe one day we'll stand back and look at the picture and toast it with a glass of wine.

Since becoming a business owner, I have:

- Joined a BNI group - networking at its most regimented. They have taught me how to critically listen, tell people about my business effectively, and introduced me to a wealth of experts I would not have gotten to know any other way.

- Joined a Rotary club. It's my selfish need to be a part of a service group. To give back completely selflessly in an effort to balance my pursuit of success. I love this group of people. They have taught me about service above self, instilled integrity and values that did not have a label in my head before. They're like minded people I enjoy spending time with. And we're on a mission to help the world.

- Joined two Chamber of Commerce's. Leduc and Devon. Any successful person needs to know what's going on in their community. The chambers allow me to do that, be involved in my communities, and learn things I never knew I wanted to learn about until I learned them. The chambers also represent me in the business community. Which I didn't know was valuable until they helped me before I realized I needed them to help.

- I was also nominated and elected to serve for two years on the Leduc Chamber Board of Directors. It's an honor to be elected - by my peers and fellow business owners to speak for them, work for them and serve the board that helps us all.

- Joined the Downtown Progress Association. A group of owners with businesses in the heart of Leduc. We talk economics, marketing, beautification, enrichment of the downtown core. Our aim is to increase business in "historic downtown" by encouraging consumers to "shop Leduc". Our group is now being used as a model for similar groups world wide.

- Joined the Leduc-Nisku Economic Development Association. It's like the DPA, but for this entire region. Bringing in business from all over the world like China & Germany, discussing trends in oil and gas, and initiatives to help grow the region into a diverse place to do business, it helps me keep a finger on the pulse of Alberta, which is invaluable to know. We network with a vast array of business owners, and discuss topics that affect us all.

- In September, I was made an official Ambassador, and part of their team. I was given this honor for my work in encouraging economic growth in our community.

- Been a proud mom of an active eleven year old. Balancing work and being a swim parent, swim practices, homework help, swim meets, cuddle time, and helping raise her into the fine woman she is becoming. Like my parents did with me.
I've also been able to watch an inordinate amount of time watching television and finished Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. Twice. If you want something done, give it to a busy person? I think I have some time in there for something. Just let me get my beauty sleep first.

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