Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I have Clout, but not Klout...

Do I care about my online presence? No, I really don't. I facebook, I blog, I text when absolutely necessary. My company twitters. (or is that tweets?) My company has a website and facebook page. Same with my rotary club. My networking group is connected through LinkedIn. But I don't find myself particularly web savvy. I've forced myself to become a bit more technologically integrated, especially FOR my business. I don't care about how I personally look online, but I want my company to always be there in your hearts and minds.

So I'm learning the ways of social media. Sigh.

I recently read a newspaper article (newspaper. it's old skool!) About this new website that gauges your online popularity. Your online clout, if you will. So, I snuck on to see what my rating was. You have to use twitter, so I used my business twitter account. Guess what? Klout rating of 10! (I have no idea what that means, in reality). Then, I realized that was judging my business on its clout, and not mine. So I bit the bullet, signed up for twitter, checked out Klout and ... surprise! According to this website, I not only don't have a Klout rating, I just don't exist! O.o

Seriously? Am I going to let a website dictate my worth to me? I am a well known and respected member of my community. I am involved in charities, I volunteer, involved in business and personal and have been a long standing member here even before I owned a business. No Klout? I don't care. I guess I'm going to have to be judged on my work as a business owner, my work as a volunteer, and human member of society, and be judged based on my clout. Not my Klout.

No Klout? No prob.

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