Monday, July 11, 2011

I Love Fluevog Shoes!

I'm rocking a funky bright red pair of John Fluevog mary jane shoes today, and decided to add John Fluevog to my twitter. And then got caught up in browing the beautiful shoes on their website. An hour later, I discovered their open source adverts. They put an open call on their website to designers to design a poster for a specific new launching shoe.

This makes sense - who better to advertise for them, than devoted fans? Why spend gobs of money on advertising when there's bound to be hundreds of graphic designers who would love the chance to take credit for designing one of their advertisements? I love the concept of bringing the company and the consumer together. If you win, you get the bragging rights of claiming you designed their ad. You also get a $1000 credit to their store. They get awesome ads, you get fame and shoes. It's win/win.

I looked at two styles that will be launching soon - both with a due date of August 31, and figured this will be my summer craft project. I don't have a LOT of spare time, but this shoe spoke to me, and I've practically got that money spent. The shoe I'll be designing an ad for is the On Course Portside shoe. It's funky and linear and will be the first pair I purchase with my money once I've won. Check it out: (link goes to the design brief in case you want to be my competition for the ad)
Here are some other submissions:

May the best design win!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Craft Project - another blog??

Okay, I know you think I've too much to do. You ALL have told me this. And despite quitting my second job, and limiting the number of committees and boards I sit on, you all STILL tell me that I'm way too busy. And now I have a new blog. Don't fret dear and faithful readers (all two of you!) I still love you and will post every few months or so still on the wonders of my world. But I've decided to write a blog all about the print industry. It's an effort to become the social media guru of Leduc. I am on FaceBook, my business is on Facebook. I am on Twitter, my business is on twitter. I have a blog, my business now has a blog. And besides, I spend more time on work, so it makes sense that I blog about work. And quite frankly, I still have a LOT to say. I NEED more ways to say it. So here it is. Please check it out for insights and updates in the print industry. It's a culmination of my entire life's work. Validate me. Please.

And when you're bored reading both of my blogs, check me out on FaceBook:
I'm also on twitter: @MissG1978