Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Craft Project - another blog??

Okay, I know you think I've too much to do. You ALL have told me this. And despite quitting my second job, and limiting the number of committees and boards I sit on, you all STILL tell me that I'm way too busy. And now I have a new blog. Don't fret dear and faithful readers (all two of you!) I still love you and will post every few months or so still on the wonders of my world. But I've decided to write a blog all about the print industry. It's an effort to become the social media guru of Leduc. I am on FaceBook, my business is on Facebook. I am on Twitter, my business is on twitter. I have a blog, my business now has a blog. And besides, I spend more time on work, so it makes sense that I blog about work. And quite frankly, I still have a LOT to say. I NEED more ways to say it. So here it is. Please check it out for insights and updates in the print industry. It's a culmination of my entire life's work. Validate me. Please.

And when you're bored reading both of my blogs, check me out on FaceBook:
I'm also on twitter: @MissG1978

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