Saturday, July 31, 2010

Internet Time Wasters

I'm seriously a master of procrastination. I'm busy as heck at work, and I get home and find a million things to distract myself from the things I really need to do at home. Like housework, the laundry, washing dishes and sleeping. I have a bunch of websites I go to on a regular basis that are wonderful, informative, fun and awesome. And then there are some that are total timewasters that keep me from accomplishing anything. Including sleep.

Here are some of my favorite timewasters (in no particular order). I am not responsible for your lost productivity. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sushi Cat. My daughter found this site about two years ago, and I've since listened to the bizarre japanese music, and her truly weird descriptions of the game. And then I finally tried it. Damnit, the game is ridiculously addictive, and makes me crave sushi. God damn you, sushi cat!!

The Sleep Talkin' Man. I blame my sister from S'toon for introducing me to this site. It's a man. Who talks in his sleep. And his wife records him. And then puts it on the web. It's truly bizarre and hilarious. And you can get t-shirts with your favorite sayings on them. "Doo... Doo... Do you want to eat me? Hmm? Gobble me up? Chew on my hindquarters? Do you? WELL COCK OFF YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU'RE NOT TASTING MY MEAT! Fucking eat something else. I'm as tough as leather. Grrr. (sigh)" Yep. It's bizarre on an awesome new level.

Not Always Right. Horror stories from the customer service industry. If you've ever worked any sort of customer service job, you'll love this site so much you'll cry.

Letters from an Asshole. They're letters. From an asshole. Or more like an asshole baits stupid people from Craigslist and Kijiji. They're so funny, my sides hurt from laughing. Stadiums are for PUSSIES!

Awkward Family Photos. Just like the ones in your photo album. Only not your family, so you can laugh. And be thankful your mother doesn't know how to work that scanner she got from Best Buys.

There's more, but I gotta go, sushi cat is calling to me...

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