Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dog Days of Summer?

Well, it didn't take long for summer to catch up with my familia. One day into her summer vacation, my darling daughter "forgets" to put on her sunscreen and ended up with a first degree sunburn. On her face, arms, chest and back. Blisters everywhere! My hubby and I were in the middle of a formal dinner with foreign delegates (ooh, very Bond-like, no?) when we got the call, and hubby goes racing out to take her to the hospital, leaving me to enjoy the five hour concert alone. Such a shame he missed it.
In addition to my daughter having to stay out of the sun and chlorinated water until she healed, our summer vacation plans were slightly derailed. We had a camping trip planned for the only sumer vacation we were to have (making Canada Day into an extended long weekend) Kind of sad that we call four days off in a row a "vacation". But regardless, our camping and boating had to be cancelled. Also, her swim meet. And we couldn't get out to enjoy the Canada Day festivities either. Disappointment all around.
But we're determined to make the best of a bad situation. Forced to stay inside during such gorgeous weather, we've been busy with our relaxation. And as I told my hubby - "I feel like cleaning the house from top to bottom right now, so I can enjoy these four days inside in spotless solitude...but I'm not going to". Yep, I'm not worried about having the house in order, just that we enjoy our time together as a family. We've managed to keep ahead of the dishes, so we can prepare each meal in relative order, and the table is remaining tidy to eat meals and play board games. We've played Yahtzee, Monopoly, Scrabble, Chattabox (don't ask), Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot (again, don't ask - the most fun thing about that game is saying the name. Oy.) and lots of video games. Lots of family-time. I've made pancakes even! How domestic! Except for the not cleaning part. I'm letting four laundry baskets of laundry sit in the living room and mock me.
My daughter and I went to the LATE night showing of Eclipse. We had to go to the late show, so we could keep out of the sun. What better way to go see a vampire movie? And it was not as bad as I was bracing for. And, we get to see Bella kiss Jacob in such a way that poor, kiss starved wives everywhere could coo silently to themselves, and feel a slight adrenaline rush. Oooh! The excitement! And we have plans to do a girls day out shopping. After her slumber party guests leave, and before her special friend from Millwoods arrives to celebrate her birthday, since he won't see her on the actual day. Yep, we've crammed as much fun in there as possible!
I've even had lots of me-alone time. I've read a couple books, played way too many computer games, written a bit, but no crafting, sadly. Closest thing to crafting I've done is silk screen wedding napkins two weeks ago. And since my ever-loving hubby has refused to come to bed, I've had the entire bed to myself the entire time! Wheee! Not that I don't love sleeping beside him. He's not a bed hog, OR a cover hog, and really nice to cuddle to, but he claims he just can't get to sleep until he's so exhausted he can't move. Which means he falls asleep on the couch, and no love or money can move him. Seriously, if you wake him to try to get him to go to bed, he shouts expletives at you. Not pretty. I do without the verbal abuse and enjoy the bed to myself. When I actually go to bed, that is. I've seen the sun come up, AND go down, and slept very little on my mini va-cay. I think it's the lack of stress. Or the lack of work. I really appreciate our employees coming in on the weird Friday to allow us to have this needed time off. Last time I had any more than two days off in a row was LAST Canada Day, and the time before was a year before. One of these days, I'm going to take a REAL vacation. With or without my hubby. Even if it is a home-vacation. This was really fun. And relaxing. And no unpacking too. Yep, this was so needed.
Now I just have to figure out what to get my darling daughter (who has everything) for her birthday. And then find the time to buy it and wrap it. But I think I'll worry about that tomorrow. It's almost five in the morning - time for me to get a few hours of sleep.

I love vacations!

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