Friday, June 11, 2010

Pet Identity Crisis!

Ever think your dog ever acts like he's human? Or at least WANTS to be? Ever have a kitty that acts like a dog?
Pet owners since the beginning of time have attributed behaviors and characteristics of other people and animals to their beloved. My own bunny even acts like a cat or a dog depending on his mood. (Or even a pig with all his grunting!)
But pet owners in China have started a new trend of pet-fashion that's one step up from doggy boots and parkas, and one step away from crazy!

Asia seems to be on the cutting edge of trends, and this one is no exception. A non-toxic, but possibly embarrassing dye is applied at the dog groomers to make your beloved spot or rover look like any number of exotic animals. (Tiger and panda are pictured here) And takes several weeks to wash away. Ever think it may catch on here? I'm not sure if animal rights groups would stand for this, and it's a bit too much of mistaken identity for my liking...

Still it's cool, and who HASN'T wanted (even just a bit) to walk a tiger down the street, and give them a lick on the cheek!

Coming up next week: Guest blogger! Krista D. Ball weighs in on her DIY project and perhaps gives us all a tip or two on fighting off those pesky zombies!

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