Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jesus is Coming... Look Busy!

So, I'm taking a summer OFF of crafting. If it happens, it happens. If not, I won't be disappointed. Hope you craft blogfans aren't too sad. I'll still post inane ramblings, but I'm going to be very busy this summer. Working out in the pool, working my business, volunteering, going to swim meets (one nearly every weekend!) And that's in addition to yard work, house work, work work, and having an active tween and hubby. And if that's not enough, I'm going to give some much needed attention to my Wii and some books I've been dying to read. Ahhh, summer!

I won't have any problems "looking" busy when the second coming happens. Maybe it won't be busy doing what the Lord wants me to be doing, but at least I'll be doing it honestly.
Why am I worried about the second coming this summer? According to a poll from the Pew Research Center For The People and The Press/Smithsonian Magazine 40 per cent of Americans believe Jesus will return before 2050. The percentage of Americans who are Christian ranges in the 75 to 84% mark, which means that's a whole helluva lotta Christians that are believing He's (going to be) Baaaack! Which means that's good enough for me. If you believe Stephen Colbert, if enough people say it's true - it IS true, then that's a lot of truthiness happening. I'm glad to be busy when the almighty comes down and brings his everlasting awesomeness to us heathens.

The poll shows us interesting insights, worries and hopes of the average American. I dunno what that means for us Canucks, but it's still interesting to think about. Here's some other American opinions the poll revealed:

• 71 per cent believe cancer will be cured by 2050.

• 81 per cent believe computers will be able to converse like humans.

• 68 per cent of those under 30 predict a world war by 2050.

• 53 per cent say ordinary people will travel in space

• 42 per cent say it is likely that scientists will be able to tell what people are thinking by scanning their brains.

• 89 per cent believe a woman will be elected US president by 2050.

• 86 per cent say it is at least probable that most Americans will have to work into their 70s before retiring.

• 41 per cent say Jesus Christ will return within the next 40 years.

• 63 per cent anticipate the demise of paper money

• 61 per cent say almost no one will send letters by 2050.

• 31 per cent expect the planet will be struck by an asteroid.

It looks like the next 40 years will be very busy! So I know I'll be busy when Jesus comes, as long as earth isn't hit by an asteroid first.

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