Monday, November 15, 2010

Gingerbread Disaster...

It's been a pathetic craft year for me this 2010. I didn't carve any jack o lanterns, all my cards have been store bought, and I have gone to the craft store ONLY three times, and ALL of my purchases are sitting in their original bags and in their original packaging. Le Sigh! I have about four new halloween stamp sets untouched even.

Therefore, I was excited this year at the prospect of making a gingerbread house for the LINX Gingerbread Gala! They have locals make gingerbread houses and auction them off for charity. I did it last year, and my house went for $100! I was so looking forward to out-doing my efforts from last year. This time, I consulted an engineer, home made all the gingerbread... And ran out of time and bribed my husband and daughter to make it while I was working. Work, work, work...

I was hoping to come home and help put the final touches on the super impressive chalet. I was on the phone saying I was coming home, when the first cave in happened. My daughter threatened to sue the construction company, as there were some gingerbread men fataly wounded in the accident. My idea when I got home was to turn it into some sort of famous (or famous looking) ruins the following day. Yeah, that went over like a lead balloon. What it DID end up looking like was a tent city put up by hordes of homeless gingerbread men. Sorta like what Edmonton looked like in 2006 and there was a gigantic tent city errected by the working homeless. Too late to do anything else, and unfortunately too late to back out (as it was only an hour to the start of the event). I whipped up a tent card on the computer, and voila!

The Fabulous Tent City of the North Pole

As work piles up at the North Pole for the upcoming Christmas season, Santa runs out of room in his workshop & tent cities pop up for relief workers (dwarves, fairies & trolls) who've come from all over the world to help with the large demand this Christmas...

It almost looked like I intended to make it look that pathetic. Please note the gingerbread man holding a cane - he escaped the initial disaster with only life altering and debilitating injuries...

The president of the Chamber of Commerce said my gingerbread village looked nicer than his most recent trip to a third world country, and if I wanted to make it really pathetic looking, I need to add gingerbread men pooping outside, and well, to be honest just lots of outdoor poop.

I'll keep those suggestions in mind for next year.

Oh, and what did my gingerbread village fetch in donations? $10. My thanks to Cindy for purchasing it and taking it home, allowing me to avoid the shame of carting that monstrosity back with me.

On the upside, the Gala was so much fun, the food was amazing, the company even better and I got to see the most glorious giant velvet elvis painting I've ever seen. Good times.

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