Saturday, April 30, 2011

Crafting My Life ... Part 976

Some people tell me that i'm a workaholic. And that's really not true. I just love money. A LOT. Is that so bad? People don't like admitting that money is important to them, and say they work their jobs because they love them, and money isn't a motivator. And while it's very Very Important to Love your job, saying it's not about the money is a bald, monkey faced lie.

You need money to pay your mortgage or rent and your vehicle and gas and your bills and for food and without that, you'd be homeless, hungry and smelly. Money IS important. How much you need vs how much you have is personal preference. And I have a lot of things to pay and pay off, so therefore, it's important.

I have two jobs that I absolutely love. Loving your job is important, but one day off a month is hard. So when I get time off, I want to REALLY FUCKIN' ENJOY IT. I have a lot of leisure activities that I love, but none that I obsess over, so I don't ever feel like I'm neglecting anything.

Lately, it's been about golf. I've been doing a lot of business while golfing, and I found to actually enjoy it, which is even better. Enjoying it and doing it a lot makes me want to get better at it, and a trip to the driving range is quick and cheap.

Tonight when I got off work, I had a beer, changed into some comfy clothes and hit the range. Smacked a few balls, worked on my consistency and enjoyed some exercise and my own company. I can't remember the last time I spent some time alone with myself. Usually, I'm rushing around or trying to cram some social visits in or spending time with my daughter, before heading to bed early so I can wake up early and go to work. I LOVED my alone time. I got home, put my feet up and had a beer.

No, I'm not a workaholic, but loving money and working so much has allowed me to appreciate time off and how special my own company is. I had forgotten myself and taken myself for granted. It's high time I take myself on a date and rediscover my love for me.

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