Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Saying Goodbye Part II

I learned more than just five things in the past year. Maybe the lessons weren't as prolific, but each year I post all 10, so here's the other five.

6. Give gratitude. Really give it and mean it. Some days some of the only things I was thankful for was that I was alive. Sometimes I was thankful for the ability to cry on my friends' shoulder. I made a point to say out loud three things daily I was grateful for. It started when my daughter's father died, and I've kept it up because it made me feel really good. Other things I've been thankful for over the past year:
- amazing friends I can count on
- the sunshine on my face
- freedom to think and dance and do whatever I want
- for a comfortable bed and a roof in which to sleep on it
- grateful for the terrible, no good, very bad days because without them, I may not appreciate all the little (and big) things in my life that I love.

7. Understanding others' perspective. Last year I resolved to really listen to other people, and not just politely wait until they're done talking so I could speak again. I found that by listening to others - and really pay attention and understand what they have to say, I gain valuable insight to their perspective.

8. Learning new things. I got a new job, I learned new skills, I dusted off long and forgotten ones, became a valued member of a new team, learned (and am still learning) how to say no gracefully, learning how to be a better leader when I need to learn to be patient and obedient. And in learning these new things, I started seeing myself in a better light.

9. That I can't control life. The only thing I can control is how I react to life. I refuse to waste any more life on negative feelings - like anger and hate and jealousy and fear. I will adapt and survive, but if I don't have a positive attitude, then it won't matter what life brings me, it'll all suck.

10. That not everyone that comes into your life is meant to stay there forever. You will form special bonds with certain people that will last your entire lives. But most often, people come into your life quickly and then leave it just as quickly. Sometimes you learn the lesson they were meant to teach you right away, sometimes you learn it years later and sometimes not at all. You may be sad about their leaving, you may sometimes even be happy or even how you wish some people would leave your life, since all they do is make you miserable.... It may leave you confused and hurt, or not. Remember that the time you have with people is a gift because everyone is brought into your life for you to learn a lesson from. And regardless of how happy or sad you are to see people leaving your life - the way they touched your life is a gift and you should be thankful for the lesson they gave you. Say goodbye gracefully and with an open and humble heart and vow to ensure the next people that come into your life are touched in a positive and special way.

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