Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spellers of the World, UNTIE!

So after my last post of explaining why I've been absent, and promising to write more, even if it's not craft oriented, I promptly got lost in life and forgot. The few fleeting moments when I would remember you, dear readers wasn't with guilt and angst, it was filled with "oh yeah, I used to write, didn't I..." before my mind drifted off to sleep. Right before sleep was when most of my actual thinking has been occuring as of lately. Which is about 2.4 seconds each night. Mea Culpa. I've been busy. I've been stressed. I just haven't made the time for things that have been really important to me and I'm sorry. Writing is so cathartic that I just can't ignore it anymore.

My life has never ceased to be interesting, and these days even more. And if anything needs my attention to help heal and move on, it's my life. Maybe being a bit self-centered will help me through the issues I've been facing. Make me see how wonderful it really is when I can't see it, and make me understand things I'd been confused by. My life is in rapid change mode right now, and it has never let me down. I said a long time ago, that my biggest want in life is for my life to be interesting. And boy is it! I'm buckled up, and ready...set...go!

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