Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last Spring Class

My last spring craft class was a hit! We made all sorts of wonderful paper lanterns and decorations to deck the halls in preparation of spring. We'd had horrible snow over the last couple weeks, and I for one had been getting some serious spring fever! Oy... But yesterday and today were warm with no snow in sight, so I'm just going to forget that there's sleet and snow in the forecast for the rest of the week and weekend. I really don't want snow this weekend. We've got so many things planned for outside... Like the bottle drive for K's swim team, the rodeo and fair in Leduc, and the parade (where I will be handing out balloons for the rug rats...) Nope, it just *can't* snow...

Enjoy the chinese lantern pics. I'm excited to begin work on my own craft projects for the next month or two...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Embossing Projects!

Here are some of the pictures from the embossing class. All supplies are Stampin' Up! It's a shame you can't see all the pretty, shiny, happy details in these pictures (and we did about eight projects - not all of them are pictured here), but it was a really fun class, and we all ended up with embossing powder and glitter all over our clothes, hair, and my house. I've been finding glitter for days now. You know it's been fun when the cleanup takes a long time! I think we all honed our embossing skills quite a bit! All the techniques we used can be found on the Stampin' Up! website at www.stampinup.com

Tomorrow I have my final spring class - the Crop-A-Dile class! I've got tons of fun projects planned, most of them to celebrate spring in your house - and out!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ceiling Cat is Watching You...

Nearly everyone I know is familiar with this internet cliche. If not, do some googling and you soon will be acquainted. For everyone else... Ceiling Cat is now available in CRAFT FORM! Yay! My friend TwystNeko introduced me to this wonderful paper craft, and now ceiling cat watches me craft... I'll admit it's a little creepy, but there's far worse things he could be watching...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Holy Helium, Batman!

As far back as I can remember I've always wanted to (and always thought it would be super cool) have my very own helium tank. I think every kid has similar thoughts. You can do so much with helium and helium balloons! Kids fantasize about filling entire rooms with them, inflating enough to lift you to the moon, inhaling the helium to sound like cartoon characters (and although I don't endorse this - it IS a common thought among kids).

So guess what I get to pick up tomorrow? A helium tank! Seriously! I'm so excited, I feel just like a little kid...

I'm going to blow up balloons for a trade show, and then for the Leduc Rodeo parade :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No time for real posts

I apologize... I haven't been a good blogger. :( I have been all work and no play, therefore, no updates on *my* crafts. I've been doing a fair bit, but no time for pictures and uploading. I've got all the samples from my embossing class - which was a success, and I can't wait to share the pictures with you, but until I get less busy, or God puts a few extra hours in a day, or I can evolve to require less sleep, you'll just have to make due with what I got.

Which today, is a friend's website. She is amazingly talented, and has an artistic viewpoint very different from mine. Her images are beautiful and thought provoking. I'd call her a digital artist, creating all her designs (on her website) through digital media. And she has a blog that I think most people can relate to. Please enjoy: http://kinetickarma.com/

And I'll be back soon with pictures of the embossing class projects. But before I can get those to you, I'm going to have to make all my samples and cut materials for the Crop-A-Dile class on Friday. I have nothing prepared so far, and only tuesday and thursday to work on it. Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Getting on my soap box...


Okay, so it's not a 'craft' per sey, but I'm using my 'circle of influence' to get the word out on a project that I've been working on for 18 months! My boss - Mark Tamagi has put in an application to the CRTC to apply for a broadcasting license for am FM radio station for the city of Leduc and Leduc County. The application has been approved, however the frequency that we've asked for (102.3FM) has been requested by someone in Edmonton trying to start ANOTHER Edmonton station. We want, we NEED that one since it's the only frequency to reach all of Leduc County. And it would be pointless to have a Leduc County station that does not represent everyone in the County. SO... We're asking everyone who wishes to show their support for local radio to sign a petition, or write a letter of support. Our goal is to have so many letters of support to show the CRTC that this is a desired service. We would like 1000 letters of support and 5000 signatures on the petition by April 28. View the application at Minuteman Press at Leduc, or go to the CRTC website at www.crtc.gc.ca If you would like to offer your support, send me an email saying you support CRTC application # 2007-0994-1 for an FM Radio station. Email them to me at smitygirl~at~hotmail.com with your name, address and phone number. Please know your information will be used in strictest confidence. Thanks for all your help! It's exciting to be a part of something so groundbreaking! And the most exciting part is yet to come... I'll keep all of you posted on details as they emerge!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Love, Robot

I just got back from our last ski trip of the year. Jasper was beautiful this time of year! I only wish I brought my camera to show you some of the beautiful sights we saw. And, I am appropriately tired and sore. :)

So, without having any new crafts yet (though I hope to get to my craft room today) I had to search for something crafty to blog about. A few weeks ago, me and a friend decided to try out Crankpots on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton. It's a ceramic store and everything in it is not painted yet. You choose your piece, your paints and paint it yourself. Then, they put it into the kiln for you, and: voila! Your very own one-of-a-kind masterpiece! I chose a robot. I can't wait to go back and paint some more things. Maybe a set of coasters, each one with a homestarrunner character on it...
Enjoy the pictures of my 'bot. I've lovingly named him Love Robot. Not to be confused with a Love-Love Monster...

Have a good Sunday everyone, and remember my craft class on Friday is embossing techniques. I've got about five or six projects, and there's room if you are interested in attending.