Sunday, October 10, 2010

Craft projects on the horizon...

Wow! Halloween is coming up and the geese are getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat!
Wait. Different holiday. Oh well.

I've finally got a few projects to blog about! Yay! Last year, I read a post on FaceBook about The Spirit Of Giving. The idea behind this is you tag your friends in the post, and the first five to respond will get a home made gift from you! Yay! Awesome, right? Miscellaneous crafts flying around in real life, getting the chance to make weird and wonderful things for people living far away.
Well, that was in November, and if you look at the calendar, it's October. I have a month to finish my projects. I was at Michels today picking up the rest of the craft supplies (on sale for only 60 cents each! W00t!) And soon I will be posting my pictures from the projects. In the interest of keeping my gifts secret until my friends get them, that's all the information you get. But, be assured, I'm crafting right now! YAY!

I still want to get the button maker so I can make pieces of flair MY style. Awesome quotes from movies and things people say to me. Invisible pink unicorn buttons, Flying Spagetti Monster buttons... That'll be a couple hundred dollars, but maybe I can find a sugar daddy who will buy me one... (hint hint to all you rich men out there looking for a lady to spoil!)

Also, Halloween is coming up! I'm usually crafting way in advance to make my costume as authentic and awesome as possible. Last year, I went shopping for HOURS for my Old Gregg costume (from The Mighty Boosh) and all my costumes are home made and awesome.
This year, I'm running out of time! I know I can't simply buy my costume (there are a few online boutiques selling this costume for over $100, but this costume just isn't available in regular stores) and I don't have the time to get out my sewing machine and make it from scratch the way I want. Arg! So I'm probably going to do a watered-down version of the halloween costume. Sigh. I need more time for Halloween. I also need to run to a dollar store to pick up stuff to decorate the office. Too much awesome-ness, too little time. I need: a Howie style hospital gown, white rubber boots, white elbow length protective gloves, steam punk goggles and a short, blonde, messy wig.

I also have to make Kat's costume still. At least that's easier. Black T-Shirt, round hammer logo, black gloves and work boots.

So stay tuned for craft awesomeness and Halloween costume pictures! Yay!

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