Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Costumes...Update!

I was just about giving up on being Dr. Horrible for Halloween. Sigh. Awesome costume idea wrecked by lack of time and funds. BUT my spirits raised ever so slightly when I found a Howie style medical lab coat at Incredible Comfortable Uniforms in Edmonton. So, it's not exactly the same, but close enough for me under time and budget constraints. BUT without the white gloves and welding goggles, I couldn't possibly be the infamous doctor. Just a weirdo in a lab coat. I was about to give up and go to the Halloween store and pick a random, boring costume up when I found myself near a Princess Auto. Welding gloves? Goggles? Check and check! Yay! And both for under $10! I LOVE that store! So now, I just have to spray paint a pair of rubber boots white, get my messy blonde wig, and I'm set! I tried on the whole costume today, and it's a passable Dr. Horrible. Yay! I also found Kathleen her black gloves and black t-shirt for her Captain Hammer costume, so it looks like we're set for Halloween! Yay! I'll get pictures up on the blog soon, but I'm so excited!
Now all I need to do is get Michelle her Penny wig and find some thrift store funky clothes, and the trio will be complete!
If anyone is stuck for what to go for - I do need henchmen:
Moist - regular clothes, just coat yourself with Petroleum Jelly and you can be my evil moisture buddy!
Bad Horse Henchmen - dress up as a cowboy, complete with requisite cowboy mustache and voila! You're a Bad Horse Man!
The Purple Pimp - the costume is just how it sounds
The Pink Pummeller - Pink mask, pink boxing gloves and a black T-shirt with two pink Ps on it facing on it facing the opposite direction.
Captain Hammer Groupies - Easy-peasy costume. Wear anything plus a monochromatic t-shirt. I can supply the hammer faces for the t-shirt! (bonus points if you have a dry cleaning slip or a slip of someone's hair!)
You can also be: Fury Leika, Professor Normal, Dead Bowie, Fake Thomas Jefferson, Tie Die, or Snake Bite (it's the evil posse)

Stay tuned for pictures! Happy Halloween!!

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