Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Crafts of another color...

So I was just diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and laryngitis. Fun. At least I get to nosh for the next two weeks on freezies, pudding, jello, popsicles, lollipops and gingerale without guilt (take THAT, diet!) Which means I've had next to no energy to craft, which is especially poopy since my cousin has been sending me such amazing ideas through email.
And I've had no energy to blog either, which means the giant backlog of wonderful blog themes continue to just sit there. I promise - flowers will be coming soon. After this crappy weather, and how crappy I've been feeling, I can't WAIT to blog about some pretty flowers.
But until then, I'm coming up with a cheap cop-out: pointing out another wonderfully crafty friend of mine - TwystNeko. He's all kinds of creative, and his passion is balloons. You should totally check out his stuff: And if you have a couple hours to kill on a Monday, he does a webcast where he makes balloons LIVE on the internet on request. Too much fun.

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