Monday, March 10, 2008

Still Sick.

This is one of the longest illnesses I've had in recent memories. Which sucks on so very many levels. By the time I actually blog my craft flowers, real ones will be growing from the ground...
Since I don't have any real energy to blog today, I'm going to point you in the direction of my craft mentor - Amy. She's so talented in so many ways, and I'm a richer person for knowing her. Check out her blog - it doesn't accurately showcase exactly how talented she is.

But I'm going to go crawl to a corner, and continue coughing up a lung. Wish me well... (coughcoughcough)

1 comment:

Amy said...

you are so sweet!
Any suggestions on how to make my blog accuratley represent the talentedness that is me? :)

I hope you feel better soon, if it helps I have felt like crap since Saturday, and I've been up for the last two hours coughing, really wishing I was asleep.
Anyway, that's my story. Thanks for the advertsing on your blog!!