Monday, July 11, 2011

I Love Fluevog Shoes!

I'm rocking a funky bright red pair of John Fluevog mary jane shoes today, and decided to add John Fluevog to my twitter. And then got caught up in browing the beautiful shoes on their website. An hour later, I discovered their open source adverts. They put an open call on their website to designers to design a poster for a specific new launching shoe.

This makes sense - who better to advertise for them, than devoted fans? Why spend gobs of money on advertising when there's bound to be hundreds of graphic designers who would love the chance to take credit for designing one of their advertisements? I love the concept of bringing the company and the consumer together. If you win, you get the bragging rights of claiming you designed their ad. You also get a $1000 credit to their store. They get awesome ads, you get fame and shoes. It's win/win.

I looked at two styles that will be launching soon - both with a due date of August 31, and figured this will be my summer craft project. I don't have a LOT of spare time, but this shoe spoke to me, and I've practically got that money spent. The shoe I'll be designing an ad for is the On Course Portside shoe. It's funky and linear and will be the first pair I purchase with my money once I've won. Check it out: (link goes to the design brief in case you want to be my competition for the ad)
Here are some other submissions:

May the best design win!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Craft Project - another blog??

Okay, I know you think I've too much to do. You ALL have told me this. And despite quitting my second job, and limiting the number of committees and boards I sit on, you all STILL tell me that I'm way too busy. And now I have a new blog. Don't fret dear and faithful readers (all two of you!) I still love you and will post every few months or so still on the wonders of my world. But I've decided to write a blog all about the print industry. It's an effort to become the social media guru of Leduc. I am on FaceBook, my business is on Facebook. I am on Twitter, my business is on twitter. I have a blog, my business now has a blog. And besides, I spend more time on work, so it makes sense that I blog about work. And quite frankly, I still have a LOT to say. I NEED more ways to say it. So here it is. Please check it out for insights and updates in the print industry. It's a culmination of my entire life's work. Validate me. Please.

And when you're bored reading both of my blogs, check me out on FaceBook:
I'm also on twitter: @MissG1978

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I am a FanGirl! I am a GeekGirl!

I was at my "super professional" business group - of which I am the president, and started talking to a fellow member about my love of comic books and how I'm enjoying the sheer number of super hero movies coming to theatres this summer. He seemed surprised that I was such a geek girl. Really? Are people surprised to hear this? I have pictures of me with batman and wolverine (yum!) and I love comics and games. He seemed so surprised, that I couldn't help but open my briefcase to reveal a copy of Portal 2. Hardcore geek, y'all. I'm amazed to find out that people don't suspect I have this side to me.

I have such an impressive geek side - this post is dedicated to GEEK CRAFTS! Namely star trek. Check out the awesome star trek knit crafts. Makes me want to break out my needles. Knit one, purl two... Check out the awesome details - especially in the dolls. You can literally tell who they are by the faces! I want a set to live on my bed!! Yep. Super geeky to the core.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Short skirts, long jackets

This winter had been so long and so cold and so depressing. I'm certainly glad to see the sun, and even on not so warm spring days, and days where the wind is blowing, I'm so appreciative of the sun and lack of snow, I can barely contain my smug satisfaction. Ha, winter. You thought you won, but you didn't. So there. Nah.

I decided to honor spring and summer and fall this year by wearing as many skirts as possible. It's skirt weather, damnit, so I'm going to indulge! And when I'm not wearing skirts, I'll be wearing shorts or cropped pants or skorts, or anything. My part time job demands I'm in pants, but for the remainder of the time - unless weather is REALLY NOT permitting, I'm going to my best to bare my legs and toes and enjoy what time we have in NOT winter as possible.

That started the first day of spring. I was in a skirt and sandals and was up to my ankles in slushy snow. And I froze my toes happily, knowing it would only get better from there. And I have. In addition to the five long skirts I have, I also have five short skirts, and have purchased two more. (even shorter than my existing ones) And I have several pairs of shorts and capris, and a couple of dresses. Dressing like summer has certainly lifted my mood, and my outlook, and I can't wait to sit out on my porch swing with a summery drink and sit in my skirt and swing.

Ah, summer. Come hell or high water, I'ma gonna enjoy the hell outta you! <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I have Clout, but not Klout...

Do I care about my online presence? No, I really don't. I facebook, I blog, I text when absolutely necessary. My company twitters. (or is that tweets?) My company has a website and facebook page. Same with my rotary club. My networking group is connected through LinkedIn. But I don't find myself particularly web savvy. I've forced myself to become a bit more technologically integrated, especially FOR my business. I don't care about how I personally look online, but I want my company to always be there in your hearts and minds.

So I'm learning the ways of social media. Sigh.

I recently read a newspaper article (newspaper. it's old skool!) About this new website that gauges your online popularity. Your online clout, if you will. So, I snuck on to see what my rating was. You have to use twitter, so I used my business twitter account. Guess what? Klout rating of 10! (I have no idea what that means, in reality). Then, I realized that was judging my business on its clout, and not mine. So I bit the bullet, signed up for twitter, checked out Klout and ... surprise! According to this website, I not only don't have a Klout rating, I just don't exist! O.o

Seriously? Am I going to let a website dictate my worth to me? I am a well known and respected member of my community. I am involved in charities, I volunteer, involved in business and personal and have been a long standing member here even before I owned a business. No Klout? I don't care. I guess I'm going to have to be judged on my work as a business owner, my work as a volunteer, and human member of society, and be judged based on my clout. Not my Klout.

No Klout? No prob.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Holy Shit, Dudes! It's an actual CRAFT!

Yeah, so sue me. This craft blog is supposed to be about crafts and crafting and I've been a whiny bitch lately. I've also had a beer and 3/4s, so I have a bit more of a potty mouth. Like you're super offended, right?

I just had to share this awesome craft with you. There's lots of companies and individuals selling these, and I think it's about the most awesome thing in the world since glow in the dark dinosaurs. Especially in Canada where it's nasty cold 8 months out of the year, and the rest of the year you can probably get away with it because we're camping, beer swilling white trailer trash, and this is sort of the thing we dig. Ya dig? Pair this up with your snowboarding gear in the winter and shorts and a wife beater in the summer, and you're set to rock. No need to ever do your hair again. That's it. I'm officially shaving mine off. I'm finally going to make good on my promise...

I digress. Enjoy this awesome craft...the beard-toque. Canadian Awesome. Better than a scary belaclava, and warmer than a hat and scarf combo. I'm going to commission one just in time for the summer camping season. Yeah, like I have time to actually make one myself. And like I have time for camping...[0]=handmade

Crafting My Life ... Part 976

Some people tell me that i'm a workaholic. And that's really not true. I just love money. A LOT. Is that so bad? People don't like admitting that money is important to them, and say they work their jobs because they love them, and money isn't a motivator. And while it's very Very Important to Love your job, saying it's not about the money is a bald, monkey faced lie.

You need money to pay your mortgage or rent and your vehicle and gas and your bills and for food and without that, you'd be homeless, hungry and smelly. Money IS important. How much you need vs how much you have is personal preference. And I have a lot of things to pay and pay off, so therefore, it's important.

I have two jobs that I absolutely love. Loving your job is important, but one day off a month is hard. So when I get time off, I want to REALLY FUCKIN' ENJOY IT. I have a lot of leisure activities that I love, but none that I obsess over, so I don't ever feel like I'm neglecting anything.

Lately, it's been about golf. I've been doing a lot of business while golfing, and I found to actually enjoy it, which is even better. Enjoying it and doing it a lot makes me want to get better at it, and a trip to the driving range is quick and cheap.

Tonight when I got off work, I had a beer, changed into some comfy clothes and hit the range. Smacked a few balls, worked on my consistency and enjoyed some exercise and my own company. I can't remember the last time I spent some time alone with myself. Usually, I'm rushing around or trying to cram some social visits in or spending time with my daughter, before heading to bed early so I can wake up early and go to work. I LOVED my alone time. I got home, put my feet up and had a beer.

No, I'm not a workaholic, but loving money and working so much has allowed me to appreciate time off and how special my own company is. I had forgotten myself and taken myself for granted. It's high time I take myself on a date and rediscover my love for me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Saying Goodbye Part II

I learned more than just five things in the past year. Maybe the lessons weren't as prolific, but each year I post all 10, so here's the other five.

6. Give gratitude. Really give it and mean it. Some days some of the only things I was thankful for was that I was alive. Sometimes I was thankful for the ability to cry on my friends' shoulder. I made a point to say out loud three things daily I was grateful for. It started when my daughter's father died, and I've kept it up because it made me feel really good. Other things I've been thankful for over the past year:
- amazing friends I can count on
- the sunshine on my face
- freedom to think and dance and do whatever I want
- for a comfortable bed and a roof in which to sleep on it
- grateful for the terrible, no good, very bad days because without them, I may not appreciate all the little (and big) things in my life that I love.

7. Understanding others' perspective. Last year I resolved to really listen to other people, and not just politely wait until they're done talking so I could speak again. I found that by listening to others - and really pay attention and understand what they have to say, I gain valuable insight to their perspective.

8. Learning new things. I got a new job, I learned new skills, I dusted off long and forgotten ones, became a valued member of a new team, learned (and am still learning) how to say no gracefully, learning how to be a better leader when I need to learn to be patient and obedient. And in learning these new things, I started seeing myself in a better light.

9. That I can't control life. The only thing I can control is how I react to life. I refuse to waste any more life on negative feelings - like anger and hate and jealousy and fear. I will adapt and survive, but if I don't have a positive attitude, then it won't matter what life brings me, it'll all suck.

10. That not everyone that comes into your life is meant to stay there forever. You will form special bonds with certain people that will last your entire lives. But most often, people come into your life quickly and then leave it just as quickly. Sometimes you learn the lesson they were meant to teach you right away, sometimes you learn it years later and sometimes not at all. You may be sad about their leaving, you may sometimes even be happy or even how you wish some people would leave your life, since all they do is make you miserable.... It may leave you confused and hurt, or not. Remember that the time you have with people is a gift because everyone is brought into your life for you to learn a lesson from. And regardless of how happy or sad you are to see people leaving your life - the way they touched your life is a gift and you should be thankful for the lesson they gave you. Say goodbye gracefully and with an open and humble heart and vow to ensure the next people that come into your life are touched in a positive and special way.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Art of Saying Goodbye...

So part of cleaning up and organizing my life has been getting my emotional baggage in order. Shocking, I know - that one as level headed as me even has emotional baggage in the first place, let alone enough to need organizing. I sarcastically digress...

I've learned many things in the past year, and am grateful for the hard lessons learned. As I move forward in my life, I know I will be happier for it.

1. Letting go of grudges. In the past year, I've been wronged. Seriously dissed. And I have every right in the world to be pissed off at the world and not given an ounce of forgiveness. And yet, I have given forgiveness. It wasn't even asked of me, but I gave it. And despite still feeling like I have been wronged, I give up on feeling angry and petty and am instead nice and happy and cheerful. And not even in a passive aggressive way. That simple act of forgiveness has given me more joy than I can explain. Try it one day. I promise it will make you happy.

2. Admitting fault. It's so hard to believe that I can even be wrong, right? But rather than trying to explain that there was a REASON I was wrong, and that I had good intentions, or that I had the right idea, I've given up on trying to explain myself. I've just been accepting that I'm wrong, shutting up and listening how to not do it wrong again.

3. Accepting help. This is probably one of the biggest lessons I had trouble learning. As far back as I can remember, I've done things on my own and my own way. If you don't like it, get OUT of my way... There is art and grace in turning down projects, and accepting help is NOT the same as admitting defeat.

4. Shutting up. I'm not known as a terrible gossip, but everyone at one time has been accused of sharing information that wasn't theirs to share. I've become so much better at not running off at the mouth (helped by the fact that there is no one at home who cares to listen to me anymore). Whether it's been collectively as a group shutting up about a sensitive topic, NOT speculating about something, or just simply not insisting on sharing my worldly knowledge with everyone I meet. I'm learning that I can, and contrary to myth, I will not explode. There is no dignity in gossip.

5. Life is short, so enjoy it. So many people say it, so few actually live it. Last year I buried someone far too young to die. And while it makes you hold your loved ones closer and say you love them for a while - try doing that every day. So instead of holding that grudge, instead of fighting with your spouse or child or boss or best friend, instead of passing on that piece of juicy gossip, admit your faults, accept help that is offered and live with that joy in your heart.

It's been hard applying all of these lessons as often as you can, but I experience more happiness and joy when I do.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spellers of the World, UNTIE!

So after my last post of explaining why I've been absent, and promising to write more, even if it's not craft oriented, I promptly got lost in life and forgot. The few fleeting moments when I would remember you, dear readers wasn't with guilt and angst, it was filled with "oh yeah, I used to write, didn't I..." before my mind drifted off to sleep. Right before sleep was when most of my actual thinking has been occuring as of lately. Which is about 2.4 seconds each night. Mea Culpa. I've been busy. I've been stressed. I just haven't made the time for things that have been really important to me and I'm sorry. Writing is so cathartic that I just can't ignore it anymore.

My life has never ceased to be interesting, and these days even more. And if anything needs my attention to help heal and move on, it's my life. Maybe being a bit self-centered will help me through the issues I've been facing. Make me see how wonderful it really is when I can't see it, and make me understand things I'd been confused by. My life is in rapid change mode right now, and it has never let me down. I said a long time ago, that my biggest want in life is for my life to be interesting. And boy is it! I'm buckled up, and ready...set...go!